SAD NOTE: My Laylah lost her battle with cancer June 9, 2022, living on in my heart.
Author of children's books; Novel in progress
Author of 2 children's book series for sale on amazon
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SAD NOTE: My Laylah lost her battle with cancer June 9, 2022, living on in my heart.
Author of 2 children's book series for sale on amazon
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Curiosity got the best of me. I have to go inside. With the door cracked open, I should be safe. Immediately I notice the room is frightfully dark as I enter the building. No windows exist. The next sense to be entertained is a foul odor from animals. There appears to be several monkeys in a cage. Even with the door ajar, the smell is overwhelming and feels as if I fell into a cage at an indoor zoo. It is difficult to remain upright with the urge to vomit. I need fresh air fast.
I turn to exit the building and reach to open the door as it slams shut. As I hear the distinct sound of a deadbolt sliding into place, I realize the only way out is now locked.
What most people either do not consider, or are not aware of, is the fact that a lot of people who treat cancer for a living depend on the revenue generated because the disease does exist or exists. A lot of money has been invested in the final products used for diagnosis, as well as treatments, which would stand to be sizable loss to a n enormous amount of people if a cure is successful.
Trevor and I talked.
“We should keep some of the leaves, with the gel-filled seeds, separate and locked up. This would be in case anyone ever gets cancer once the cure is used worldwide. We all know that I can replicate the chemical, in fact anyone could if they obtained it from our vault. However, this step could prove useful in the highly unlikely case anybody gets cancer. The only way I can see that being able to happen is if someone intentionally re-introduces cancer into the world again, such as a mass vaccination effort to an epidemic.”
The look Trevor shot Kurt and I, as if it could happen, sent a shiver down my spine.
My love for helping other people never stopped, especially when my husband of nearly 30 years died of cancer following an extended illness. In fact, I began to care even more and worked to determine if I could find links between people who get cancer and potential environmental links, especially after my dog died from bladder cancer.
My knowledge base of medications and the immune system’s ability to fight cancer cells would be able to guide me to some answers. Day after day, I worked on this hoping, one day, a cure would be found.
Kurt witnessed many of his family, friends and neighbors being struck with cancer and dying, which led him to Portugal, during his schooling, to work with cancer experts in the world to find out, as much as he could, about the horrible disease in order to find a cure for it.
His personal research led him to the CC bush in Morocco where he isolated the chemical that was believed to stop cancer according to ancient ruins.
After extracting it, he tested it in rats and then on the monkeys to make sure it was safe for human consumption. It became part of the cure for cancer we discover together.
Multiple organizations begin to feel threatened with a successful cure. Pharmaceutical companies, Imaging companies, Cancer centers, Oncologists as well as all of the people who work in that line of work. A lot of people have a lot to lose financially if someone comes up with a cure for cancer.
He started being followed and had multiple break-ins into his facility, as well as fights with Animal activists.
Gangs members in the area, especially Johnny and Roger, worked to free the monkeys. He was forced to hire a small army to help defend himself and his facility.
My life changed on my walk that day months after the bobcat turned left instead of devouring me. As I uncovered his entire operation, what he did impressed me and I became wrapped into his entire world.
This became my new world
Macaques Monkey from Africa @ Rock of Gibraltar
Took a selfie & he tried to make a monkey out of me.